



来源:集团党委宣传部、中材水泥发布时间:2020/8/29 10:25:11

8月26日 我们在两材重组四周年之际,在28个城市的37家企业同步举办了以“绿色环保”为主题的开放活动,其中 我们在海外的赞比亚工业园通过线上“云开放”的方式和公众见面现场精彩纷呈 ,我们先去看一看。

bet体育万博 “善用资源日”8月26日首届开放活动中,由bet体育万博 投资建设综合性建材产业园——中国建材赞比亚工业园举行了“云开放”活动。当天活动现场和官微播放了5分钟短片,受到社会各界广泛关注和一致好评。今天官微全网发布18分钟完整视频。




露露结束了工厂的采访后,带领观众前往齐亚亚村,采访当地村长约翰·达卡。达卡村长向露露介绍,中国建材赞比亚工业园积极履行manbetx体育买球 ,为当地居民生活的改善也作了很多重要的事情,为当地修建了一条通往首都卢萨卡的道路,建设了一所学校、一座医院,同时解决了当地居民的用水问题。

这次云开放展现了中国建材赞比亚工业园在落实“一带一路”倡议“走出去”的发展历程中,践行bet体育万博 “为当地经济发展做贡献、与当地企业友好合作、为当地人民服务”的“合作共赢”三原则,为中赞两国56年友谊贡献的新力量。开放活动受到新华社、人民网、中国国际电视台等媒体关注。



中国建材赞比亚工业园于 2016年10月15日开工建设,2018年7月26日建成投产。赞比亚总统伦古出席投产仪式,开国总统卡翁达也曾到访过工业园。中国建材赞比亚工业园现有一条2500t/d熟料水泥生产线(年产100万吨水泥),一条年产20万方混凝土生产线,一条70万吨骨料生产线以及一条年产6000万块烧结砖生产线。工业园自建成以来,累计为当地贡献税收折合人民币超过7000万元,为当地解决就业326人。



CNBM holds open day event at ZambiaIndustrial Park

LUSAKA, Zambia, Aug. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/-- China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. (CNBM) held its firstonline open day event focusing on appropriate use of resources at the ZambiaIndustrial Park in Lusaka, capital of Zambia on Aug 26.

During the event, Lulu Wood, a localhostess, ushered guests around the comprehensive building material industrialpark, showcasing its modern cement plant. She told the group how the plantcontributes to economic growth and infrastructure construction as well as localhealth care and a good quality of daily life.


According to staff members at the cementplant, it took CNBM three years to build the park, which uses world-leadingautomated production, dust proof and environmental protection technologies toguarantee workers' health and to protect the local environment.


Later, Lulu guided guests to a nearbyvillage to meet the village head. He said that CNBM also fulfilled its socialresponsibilities while constructing and operating the park. The companyimproved the villagers' lives by helping to build a road to Lusaka, a schooland a hospital.

What's more, the company took steps toensure that the village is supplied with ample fresh water.

Construction of the Zambia Industrial Parkbegan on Oct 15, 2016, and started operation on July 26, 2018.

It now has four production lines which arecapable of producing 2,500 tons of clinker cement per day as well as 200,000cubic meters of concrete, 700,000 tons of aggregate and 60 million sinteredbricks annually.


So far, the industrial park had paid morethan 70 million yuan ($10.13 million) in taxes to the local government andcreated jobs for 326 residents.